Monday, October 6, 2014


The vagina is acidic and contains its own protective microorganisms. Anything that upsets this balance can lead to infection. There is a long list of things that upset this balance including drugs (antibiotics), sugar and even fruits.
One the most beneficial product to the vagina even when infected is yorgurt. Yorgurt, is a product of fermentation of milk by bacteria. It helps maintain the acidity hence promoting the growth of the protective microorganisms. Some female health professional prefer to go on a yorgurt diet when they notice itching or discharge from their vagina.
You could be allergic to yorgurt if you are to milk. If you have a sensitive stomach, you should tread with caution when trying to include yorgurt in your diet. Try a little quantity before you go major.

Yorgurt does not only do wonderfully for women or the vagina alone, it has tremendous benefit in other areas of the body. It is loaded with bone healthy calcium which maintains strong bone and teeth. It provides protection for the stomach and intestine against constipation. It protects the intestine against diarrhoea causing bacteria. It protects the intestines against colon cancer. It is of benefit against stomach and intestine ulcer causing bacteria. It is of benefit in lactose intolerance. It helps feel fuller which is of great benefit in obesity.

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