Devil’s trumpet, that’s the name some people call this plant, some also call it Indian thorn apple. Its scientific name is Datura metel. In my neighbourhood we call it gegemu. This plant is highly intoxicating. It grows freely especially in neighbourhoods with bad drainage system.
enough stories, in my psychiatric posting gegemu was tagged “deadly”. To tell
you how dangerous it is, when this plant in soaked in a cup and that cup is
rinsed off with only water, and then used to take a drink, the person will
still experience grave symptoms. Goats or their relatives don’t eat this plant,
infact, it has no pest, no insect or consumer. It is not even used on large
animals like horses or buffaloes. Please weed this plant away if in your
neighbourhood and discard it. Burning could get your community high so don’t do
that please.
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