Friday, October 31, 2014


Beer, wine, brandy, whisky, and schnapps are all alcoholic drinks or else otherwise stated. Alcohol is a substance that can excite a person or otherwise depending on the quantity consumed. A little quantity can be sexually stimulating and tremendously boost sexual prowess. Excessive intake can cause hangover and mess up the liver.
Researchers have suggested after data analysis that occasional moderate drinking of alcohol could elongate life span. How this happens has not been confirmed but a study of old folks show that, the healthiest set of them consume alcohol.
I have a theory which I came up with while working at the HIV clinic. I realised that almost 75% of our HIV positive clients above 40 years were free from the pangs of diabetes and or hypertension and generally heart diseases. Our counselling pathway was fantastic so the patients always felt at peace. I deduced that because the patients had accepted their condition, their worry tendency chart was close to zero. I also want to apply this to the occasional taking of alcohol which is medically indicated to reduce anxiety.

Occasional drinking at home is the best way to start consuming alcohol, and then let your body teach you how best it can welcome alcohol.

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