Sunday, October 19, 2014


The myth that gastric ulcer has no cure has imprisoned many people with this disease. Gastric ulcer is treatable and curable.
There are drug combinations that have been established to cure gastric ulcer; your physician could help you with further information.
Let’s quickly tackle some causes of gastric ulcer. Experience has showed me that more women have gastric ulcer than men. It is already established that girls are more exposed to analgesics than boys because of menstrual cramps. These analgesics have been found to have serious gastric irritations. A particular drug that is highly abused and could be a leading cause of gastric ulcer is Piroxicam (branded; felvin, feldene etc).
To completely tackle gastric ulcer, the following tips are important:
·         Never let stomach be empty.
·         Stay away from spicy meals especially those containing pepper and/or ginger.
·         Do not fast for any reason whatsoever
·         Eat snacks in between meals e.g. groundnut, fruits, cashewnuts, walnut, coconut, corn etc
·         Stay on a 3 weeks diet of cabbage. This has been proven from the European Herbal Encyclopaedia to completely heal gastric ulcer.

Do all these and be free from gastric ulcer pains


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