Wednesday, October 22, 2014


You may not believe but cough and catarrh are actually a way our body protects us from been killed by all the rubbish in the air but like some human beings do ITK (I too know) so does the immune system.
We are gently moving into the allergy season, dry and dusty air all over. Get anti allergy drugs early to tackle flu, cough and catarrh. Those with kids should increase the intake of vitamins in their kid’s diet through fruits and also have their medications readily available.
If you are asthmatic or have a personal or family history of asthma please be watchful and cautious. The moment you notice that your body temperature or that of your ward drops at night with persistent cough, see your physician asap.
Antiallergy drugs are piriton which can make you drowsy, loratadine which won’t make you drowsy, used once daily in an empty stomach i.e. at least 30 minutes before breakfast. There are more antiallergy drugs which can either be combined or alone, consult your Pharmacist. Some antiallergy drugs are combined with paracetamol, please confirm on purchase especially if you are taking other painkillers.

Nature’s pharmacy has given us garlic, ginger, onion, honey and lemon to handle this season so add them to your diet. Garlic should be chopped and left for about 20 minutes before consumption. Onions can be eaten raw, Ginger added to meals, honey and lemon in tea. I have seen a German tea which contained a combination of all these including orange and excluding honey which worked excellently for those that used it.

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