Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It is all over the news that prostate cancer tendency reduced in men who have had up to twenty sexual partners than those who have had lower. This is not the first time sexual intercourse is connected to prostate cancer, the conclusion is that the frequency of ejaculation i.e cum helps reduce this tendency hence this should bring partners closer for more sexual activity and not break unions; what God has joined together let no man ....................
This research also showed that for homosexuals who have had up to 20 male partners, the tendency to have prostate cancer doubled. The research also discovered that men who have never had sexual intercourse were twice more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This information is attributed to the University of Montreal by all publishers but I can’t find any information on this from the University’s site or any online journal to prove this. On prostate cancer just maintain a healthy and consistent sexual life; also sea kelp has been found to be of benefit.


That feeling, a rusty aching feeling all over the body that makes you want to just stay all day in bed; scientists call it fatigue i.e mental or physical exhaustion, simply put, your body craves rest. Everyone experiences this at a moment in their lifetime but not everybody can satisfy the craving the body needs for rest.
A good diet filled with variety, fruits and vegetables can help prevent this. Oats is very replenishing for the brain so also is yoghurt to the stomach and intestines. Alternatively multivitamin drugs can replenish all diminished or lost nutrient. The best in the market are
·         Supradyn®
·         Pharmaton®
·         Omega H3®
·         Centrum performance®

·         Lycoset®

Monday, November 17, 2014


For about 4 days now I have been struggling with mouth sore. I can’t eat what I want to eat and it just ruined my weekend. My excess travelling of late has forced me to eat mainly rice and I am suffering for it. The main issue with mouth sore is lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin )reffered to as Pellagra; it’s symptoms include flaky skin around the genitals, itchy and watery eyes, and reduced growth in children

Lack of green vegetables has caused this to me so for those who get very busy try to keep this in your tight meals; milk, meat, eggs, nut, green vegetables, liver, kidney, yeast. In our bid to make ends meet we shouldn’t be denied the beautiful tastes of life

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Young parents are burdened with friendly advices from a million and one friends, family and acquaintances on how best to take care of a baby. They fine tune their advice with “it worked for my baby”. Just the way beans purges gorge but for frank it’s a great meal so also babies are different, even twins.
When a baby doesn’t get satisfaction from breast milk all you need to do is include a protein like blended crayfish and or fish in his/her diet. Probably added to a slippery soup like ogbono, ewedu etc.
Fruits are fantastic for children but the first fruits to introduce to a child are avocado pear, African pear (ube, eben) and carrot. They are the most acceptable fruits for children. This can act as a step to introducing other fruits. Nuts are also satisfying e.g. coconut, cashew nut.

Everybody claims to be an expert in child care as long as they have had a child before, note that when you notice anything unusual consult a professional and enlighten yourself by checking online for information.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Simple tips to help in weight loss.
·         Take apples before meals.
·         Take avocado or African pear with lunch
·         Take beans in all its preparations.
·         Eat soup garnished with many proteins especially those from the sea.
·         Cucumber should be in your diet.
·         Chilli pepper burns fat
·         Dark chocolate reduces blood pressure; protecting heart and brain
·         Take eggs especially boiled

·         Nuts of all sorts; cashew nut, groundnut, walnut, coconut etc. helps make you feel fuller.


Coconut is one of my favourite fruits. It is very versatile and extremely nourishing. Coconut oil can be used as a deodorant, toothpaste and to aid weight loss. Now you don’t know this about coconut oil so relax and enjoy;
1.      Improves digestion
2.      Reduces candida infection (vaginal issues)
3.      Moisturises the skin
4.      Reduces cellulite
5.      Decreases wrinkles and age spots
6.      Balance blood sugar and improves energy even for diabetics
7.      Improves Alzheimer’s disease
8.      Increases good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL)
9.      Burns fat
10.  Balances hormone
11.  Coconut oil is superior to olive oil because it can be cooked to high temperatures without smoking
12.  Coconut oil can be added to coffee, as chocolate fondue, smoothies, popcorn toppings, as baking oil, used for homemade mayonnaise etc.
13.  Coconut oil has great beauty benefits which include: as lip balm against chapped lips, in making shampoo, face wash, wound salve, in making hair conditioner, body lotion, eye makeup remover, shaving cream, bath soak, sunscreen/sunburn remedy, intimate lubricant (as astroglide or ky gel), massage oil.

My personal experience makes me conclude that coconut helps protect the body from malaria disease when eaten daily. Coconut oil repels insects also. So now you know much more about that simple looking fruit called coconut.

Friday, October 31, 2014


Urine is a waste product made in the kidney as a means of removing unwanted substances from the body. Numerous factors affect the colour of urine, what we eat and drink goes a long way to affect our urine colour. A person that fasts from food and water on a sunny day will have dark yellow urine due to dehydration. The myth that when the urine is yellow indicates malaria is very wrong, the standard colour of urine ranges from colourless to amber to light yellow depending on various factors. Alcohol in the system and when over hydrated especially in cool environments can lead to a very clear urine with high volume. Vegetables can change urine colour. Drugs can change urine colour and odour e.g.Rifampicin can make the urine colour orange in colour. Below are urine colours and what they stand for:
·         Yellow/light orange may be caused by removal of excess B vitamins from the blood
·         Bloody urine is a symptom of wide variety of medical conditions
·         Dark orange to brown urine can be a symptom of jaundice, rhabdomyolysis or Gilbert’s syndrome
·         Black or dark coloured urine may be caused by melanoma
·         Pinkish urine can result from the consumption of beets
·         Greenish urine can result from the consumption of asparagus
·         Reddish or brown urine may be caused by porphyria
·         Blue urine may be caused by the ingestion of methylene blue e.g. in medications
·         Blue urine stains can be caused by blue diaper syndrome
·         Purple urine may be due to purple urine bag syndrome
The odour of normal urine can reflect what has been consumed or specific diseases. Sweet smell is sugar in urine which indicates diabetes. Asparagus, onions, saffron, tuna fish, alcohol, coffee can affect the scent of urine.
The normal urine volume is 1-2 litres per day but this can be affected by some factors. In very hot conditions, the body tends to save more water especially when a lot is lost sweating. If you feel the urge to ease yourself and you engage in an activity that increases sweating without drinking any fluid to replenish that urge will suddenly disappear because the body will make use of all water in the body when necessary. Expect much urine when you take alcohol, in cold weather, in air conditioned vehicles etc. Expect low urine volume in hot weather, when engaging in activities that make you sweat.

Drinking of urine is very wrong even in survival conditions it only makes thirst worse, rather soak a cloth in urine and place it on the head. 


Beer, wine, brandy, whisky, and schnapps are all alcoholic drinks or else otherwise stated. Alcohol is a substance that can excite a person or otherwise depending on the quantity consumed. A little quantity can be sexually stimulating and tremendously boost sexual prowess. Excessive intake can cause hangover and mess up the liver.
Researchers have suggested after data analysis that occasional moderate drinking of alcohol could elongate life span. How this happens has not been confirmed but a study of old folks show that, the healthiest set of them consume alcohol.
I have a theory which I came up with while working at the HIV clinic. I realised that almost 75% of our HIV positive clients above 40 years were free from the pangs of diabetes and or hypertension and generally heart diseases. Our counselling pathway was fantastic so the patients always felt at peace. I deduced that because the patients had accepted their condition, their worry tendency chart was close to zero. I also want to apply this to the occasional taking of alcohol which is medically indicated to reduce anxiety.

Occasional drinking at home is the best way to start consuming alcohol, and then let your body teach you how best it can welcome alcohol.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Devil’s trumpet, that’s the name some people call this plant, some also call it Indian thorn apple. Its scientific name is Datura metel. In my neighbourhood we call it gegemu. This plant is highly intoxicating. It grows freely especially in neighbourhoods with bad drainage system.
Datura is found in Asia, Africa, south and Central America and also in the Caribbean. Many cultures attach this plant to worship of deity. In northern India, smoking this plant is considered pleasurable but eating or drinking its extract is considered dangerous. Yogis and Sadhus smoke this plant in combination with weed, imagine. In the Philippines, the leaves are boiled to make an inebriating soup to be eaten in a communal circle, community highness. In Africa, the seeds are added to locally brewed beer; it is also used to commit crime by poisoning the victim.

Well enough stories, in my psychiatric posting gegemu was tagged “deadly”. To tell you how dangerous it is, when this plant in soaked in a cup and that cup is rinsed off with only water, and then used to take a drink, the person will still experience grave symptoms. Goats or their relatives don’t eat this plant, infact, it has no pest, no insect or consumer. It is not even used on large animals like horses or buffaloes. Please weed this plant away if in your neighbourhood and discard it. Burning could get your community high so don’t do that please. 


Cannabis Sativa is the specie of the Nigerian marijuana. It is one of the most euphoric specie of weed. The ability to attain highness with this specie is very high. There is a gist that even the Jamaicans that came to Nigeria, smoked and endorsed it for this high ability. dailysmoker.com described thus “Nigerian’s high is very powerful cerebral, taking you to the land of dreams and illusions. Make sure you have a day off to fully enjoy the pleasure from this dark African lady”.
As much as weed is smoked to get high, it has been found out that it can boost the immune system i.e. protect us from disease but the only way to get this benefit is by smoking. Weed also increases appetite and weight gain.

During my psychiatric posting, I found out that many young men in the wards were weed smokers. If you smoke weed in the countries where it is legal just be careful when you get the Nigerian specie, it could be your last.

Friday, October 24, 2014


According to national Honey Board “It takes about 60,000 bees, collectively travelling up to 55,000 miles and visiting more than 2 million flowers, to gather enough nectar to make one pound of honey”. Bears and badgers will raid honeycomb not minding the sting from the bee just for a taste of honey. If these lower animals know the value of honey to the extent of going through such pain shouldn’t we be curious? Well I bet you didn’t know these 6 things about honey:
1.       Honey makes excellent cough medicine
2.       Honey can be used to treat wounds (Manuka honey especially, it is used clinically)
3.       Honey diluted with warm water can be applied to the scalp to reduce itching and dandruff
4.       Honey can help boost energy especially sustained energy
5.       Honey can help reduce allergy e.g. cold and catarrh
6.       Honey and any other sweetener should not consumed by diabetic or pre-diabetic folk.

There are various honey products in the market, I cannot “categorically” tell you which is best for what but locally made honey is best. Honey made from domestic flowers is usually lighter but not as nourishing as the dark honey made from wild flowers.


There is a new research proving that grief can be a big danger signal for the senior citizens. There is an imbalance in the body which leads to a fall in the immune system. Research has showed that old people experiencing grief have a 21 fold higher chance of a heart attack. The summary is that the immune system weakens and this leads to an array of disease if not checked.

Whatever means should be employed to help keep these oldies from a sedentary life style. Force them to church/mosque and community programs. Let them mix with their peers if they are still alive. Enough of television and radio. Get them into physical activities like laundry and strolling. Engage in outdoor activity instead of getting antidepressants.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


You may not believe it but exercise may worsen your oral health. Very active athletes breathe with their mouth which should be okay except that this leads to a dry mouth which allows bacteria thrive. To add to this, drinking of energy drinks which load the mouth with sugar worsens it all and aggravates dental caries.

My advice is that, breathing through the nose is best but it can be pretty difficult, so breath through the mouth but quench your thirst with just water. Dr Mercola recommends coconut water in place of energy drinks; I think athletes should note this.


You may not believe but cough and catarrh are actually a way our body protects us from been killed by all the rubbish in the air but like some human beings do ITK (I too know) so does the immune system.
We are gently moving into the allergy season, dry and dusty air all over. Get anti allergy drugs early to tackle flu, cough and catarrh. Those with kids should increase the intake of vitamins in their kid’s diet through fruits and also have their medications readily available.
If you are asthmatic or have a personal or family history of asthma please be watchful and cautious. The moment you notice that your body temperature or that of your ward drops at night with persistent cough, see your physician asap.
Antiallergy drugs are piriton which can make you drowsy, loratadine which won’t make you drowsy, used once daily in an empty stomach i.e. at least 30 minutes before breakfast. There are more antiallergy drugs which can either be combined or alone, consult your Pharmacist. Some antiallergy drugs are combined with paracetamol, please confirm on purchase especially if you are taking other painkillers.

Nature’s pharmacy has given us garlic, ginger, onion, honey and lemon to handle this season so add them to your diet. Garlic should be chopped and left for about 20 minutes before consumption. Onions can be eaten raw, Ginger added to meals, honey and lemon in tea. I have seen a German tea which contained a combination of all these including orange and excluding honey which worked excellently for those that used it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


My great grandma ate local fowl and crushed its bones when she was alive. A woman that was over 100 years old as at that time. I encountered a local chicken meal of late and my brother, it was an experience. Long story cut short I couldn't crush the bone of this local chicken.
This idea that our teeth should be washed twice with fluoride toothpaste has really done well to whiten our teeth but I doubt the strength. My great grandma chewed guava tree throughout the times I knew her and there is research proving it protects the dentals.
So I have made up my mind to chew guava tree when I can and use a non-fluoride containing toothpaste instead either Euthymol or Dabur to wash my teeth.

I have a complaint, toothpaste was cheap until sensodyne and oral B decided to make toothpaste a thing of luxury so they should review their prices.


I woke up with itchy eyes, I kept scratching and scratching, it was sweet at first then sweeter and I paused, found my way to the bathroom and checked the mirror. The eyes were mildly red; I thought to myself, it must have been the dust. But throughout the day I couldn't resist scratching. The next morning, I had aches and it crossed my mind, Apollo season is here. There is an old trick that has always worked for me; I got salt and fresh water mixed in a cup, soaked my eye in it for about 15 seconds. Did this about 4 times then rinsed off with fresh water. I repeated the same thing at night and now my eyes are all better.
Infectious conjunctivitis is Apollo and can be mistaken for allergic conjunctivitis which also comes more during this season. The major difference is that Apollo comes with eye discharge.
My salt and water method may not be approved by my fellow health professionals because of isotonic state of the eye, well it works well for me. So my professional advice is that you can do this but make sure you rinse off with fresh water. If you decide to get an antibacterial eye drop, first wash off with little salt and water solution to reduce bacteria load. This is very important in children especially when they wake up in the morning. The eye drop should be used by one person and shouldn't be used for more than 2 weeks after opening unless otherwise stated by eye drop manufacturer.

For those in corporate setting, Apollo can earn you easy sick leave. For workaholics who are too busy to get to a pharmacy, try the method above it will help. For those with kids and those handling children get either chloramphenicol or gentamicin eyedrop in your drug box. The earlier the treatment is commenced the faster the recovery.

Sunday, October 19, 2014


The myth that gastric ulcer has no cure has imprisoned many people with this disease. Gastric ulcer is treatable and curable.
There are drug combinations that have been established to cure gastric ulcer; your physician could help you with further information.
Let’s quickly tackle some causes of gastric ulcer. Experience has showed me that more women have gastric ulcer than men. It is already established that girls are more exposed to analgesics than boys because of menstrual cramps. These analgesics have been found to have serious gastric irritations. A particular drug that is highly abused and could be a leading cause of gastric ulcer is Piroxicam (branded; felvin, feldene etc).
To completely tackle gastric ulcer, the following tips are important:
·         Never let stomach be empty.
·         Stay away from spicy meals especially those containing pepper and/or ginger.
·         Do not fast for any reason whatsoever
·         Eat snacks in between meals e.g. groundnut, fruits, cashewnuts, walnut, coconut, corn etc
·         Stay on a 3 weeks diet of cabbage. This has been proven from the European Herbal Encyclopaedia to completely heal gastric ulcer.

Do all these and be free from gastric ulcer pains

Friday, October 17, 2014


I visited Osun state, specifically Ilesha, I met a man in his late 40s. He had been tagged “RANDY Orton”; a sex champion. People advised young girls to stay clear of him.
I realised that at his age many men are not that sexually active so I made friends with him, aiming to know his secret. These are my discoveries;
1.      Unripe plantain is always in his diet especially in the roasted form.
2.      He never ate food late at night.
3.      He takes evening stroll often.
4.      He loves eating banana.
5.      Walnut was highly consumed in season.
6.      He doesn’t eat bulk meals but in bits
7.      He loves eating vegetable and smoked fish
8.      He would combine his roasted unripe plantain with fresh smoked fish sauce
9.      He ate much of grain and cereal in place of heavy swallow
10.  He loves beans in all preparations
I have not established his diet as a standard but I feel it can help as a guide to improve sexual health.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


The demand for fruits especially in quantity and quality has pushed our farmers into the use of pesticides. Their intentions are good but these pesticides can do harm to our health. Thorough washing with water doesn't remove these pesticides; some fruits are waxed before they are exported to make sure these pesticides stay till it is consumed.
Some fruits contain as many as 30 different pesticides. Apples in the US market contain about 42 different pesticides while potatoes contain 37.
My advice is that you peel off the skin of these fruits especially those imported into your country to reduce the pesticide load. The best options are home grown fruits or local farm fruits which come in seasons. These fruits should make 90% of our fruit diet.

Our exposure to chemicals is in tremendous levels, a little reduction here and there should help stay healthier.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


How long have you been using your pillow? 15 years? Since you were born? Since you moved into your house? Common, get rid of that please. The UK Sleep council recommends 2 years use per pillow.
Ideally, a pillow is supposed to fill the space between your head and shoulder when you lie down but overuse of pillows makes them flat, so that this gap is not filled, leading to neck pain and restless night according to preventdisease.com.
Keeping a pillow for too long can also lead to dust-mite infestation. Dust-mite are microscopic bugs that feed on dead hair cells, they don’t bite and don’t spread diseases but are common allergen found in household dust according To Dr Mercola.
After about a year 10% of the weight of your pillow could be due to dust-mite waste. If your allergies, like asthma is related to going to bed or worsens in the morning it could be due to dust-mite waste. Wash pillow with hot water or freeze pillow to kill dust-mites.
Researchers have discovered a huge quantity of fungal spores in pillows used between 2 to 20 years. It was as high as 1million per pillow with some dangerous species of fungi. They also discovered that dust-mite feeds on fungal spores but the waste of dust-mite also provides a good environment for fungal spores which makes researchers conclude that pillows could be a mini ecosystem. Pillows made from synthetic material tend to contain more than those made from natural wool. Researchers believe this finding has a great implication on those with respiratory diseases like asthma or sinusitis.
Researchers also discovered that many pillows come with flame retardant chemicals like polybrominated diphenyl esters (PBDEs). PBDEs are structurally related to PCBs which have been linked to cancer, reproductive problems and impaired fetal brain development (i.e abnormal infant brain development).
Certain PBDEs have been banned in some US states and European Union. High exposures to PBDEs have been linked with reduced fertility. So protect yourself, your unborn child and kids. Pillow types that are high offenders include:
·         Polyurethane foam pillows (3,646 parts per million)
·         Polyester fibre pillows (107 parts per million)
·         Feather pillows (6 parts per million)

High quality wool pillows, beddings and mattresses are naturally flame resistant hence no flame retardants are used according to Dr Mercola. So now you know what your pillow can do to you.

Monday, October 13, 2014


 Rest is a very important part of human activity. For the brain, that’s when toxins are removed. For the muscles, that’s a time to relax. For the organs that’s a time to work better, for the mind that’s a time to revitalise. For the whole being, that’s a time for renewal.
Lack of sleep (insomnia) is gently creeping into the lives of the work force of the economy. There are so many causes of insomnia. Let’s start like this; there is a process in the brain called the circadian cycle which is responsible for our sleep and wake pattern. Insomnia can begin when we upset this cycle. For instance, not sleeping at night will lead to sleeping during the day. Trying to cheat the body by denying yourself of rest both day and night will only make the body switch on what we call “negative feedback mechanism” which could come in different forms, like; not been able to sleep naturally, gaining weight, weight loss, memory loss, lack of mental focus etc.
There is a theory I came up with after reading a research that proves that sleeping before midnight is far healthier than after midnight. The theory is based on the quest for the natural sleep order. I took a deep look at the life we lived before the invention of electricity and discovered some basic activities. We ate dinner early probably around 5:30pm (which Nutritionists are advising us to go back to), children played, adults talked, then probably a story with lessons before going to bed (or mat as at then). But my point is they slept as early as 7:30pm. I can bet that some people have never slept that early since they stopped been children. The result of this early sleeping made them wake up so early for farm work and other occupations. To be pragmatic, that couldn’t work now, but the message is to reinforce the research that healthy sleep is better before midnight.
Stimulant substances like caffeine (found in coffee, analgesics and bitter kola), cocoa, and sugar can make natural sleep difficult to achieve. Some lager beer contain hops which is good in helping to relax and achieve natural sleep but alcohol causes increased urination which could lead to continuous break of a normal sleep.
Having a television in the bedroom could compound sleeping issues. I prefer a radio or a music player. The kind of mattress can also make sleep un-revitalizing. The bulb in the room can be helpful too.
If you wake you at night and find it difficult to sleep back, I advice you to try reading something boring, it could be helpful. There are some genres of music that can be helpful to induce sleep e.g. jazz, slows, old school, instrumentals, classical etc.
I prefer if we try as much as possible to get natural sleep before going to drugs for solace. There are situations when medications are necessary, see your physician to confirm.
The natural products that help maintain a good sleep pattern are whole grain oats, hops and valerian (both hops and valerian are available as combination in drug form called “Kalms”)
Some tips to help sleep by Dr Mercola:
·         Sleep in complete darkness
·         Keep your bedroom at room temperature (25 degrees centigrade)
·         Move alarms and other electronic devices away from your bed
·         Avoid using loud alarms
·         Reserve your bed for sleeping
·         Get to bed as early as possible
·         Establish a bed time routine

·         Don’t drink any fluid within 2 hours of going to bed

Saturday, October 11, 2014


There is a craze mostly among ladies to look fresh and plump and this has gone as far as using medications. The funny part about this is that we advice them that it is dangerous for their health but they don’t mind.
These medications are steroids and sincerely I disliked these drugs right from school because their list of side effects is like a list of rugby players.
Now you wanna get plump and look well fed by resorting to medications that can harm you. Let’s be realistic, women need to look beautiful that is why I wrote the last article on beauty. The funny part of this issue is that the freshness it gives to people is a side effect of the medication.

So if you voluntarily take prednisolone (Yodi etc) or dexamethasone (Dexacortin) with the hope of looking fresh, please for the sake of our over-burdened healthcare system stop and try to comply with the earlier article I wrote about beauty. If you have eaten disorder or appetite issues then see a physician to solve this for you. You deserve to be well informed.


The beauty of the skin reflects what goes on the inside and outside i.e. what you eat and what you apply on. There are different skin types, so what works for A may not work for B.
If you have an oily skin, I advice you use more of creams than lotions (more oily). If your skin tends to be dry, lotion will do you good. Due to the variety of skin types these two extremes should as a guide to choosing what to apply. Do yourself a favour by discovering your skin and selecting the right type of cosmetic.
The health of the skin is complemented by a healthy feeding from inside out. This is where the glow comes from without much make up. Vitamin E is the main ingredient that makes the skin glow. It can be gotten at Pharmacies but nature also has an abundant combination of natural ingredients that makes the skin wow.
Avocado pear, cabbage, tomatoes, evening primerose, apples, onions and carrot are the Nature’s cosmetic for a great skin. Sincerely since I added these to my diet it’s been different. My skin, hair and nails are much better. Avocado pear could be eaten and the oil can be extracted by boiling the over-ripe fruit whole, then lift the oil from the water with a spoon. This is then applied on the skin all over for about 30 minutes, then wash off. Cabbage should be eaten and whenever there is any skin cut, the green leaf can be warmed by wrapping in a paper and pressed with a pressing iron then applied to the skin. Tomatoes should be eaten raw but I couldn’t eat it so I resolved to applying minimal heat. I make sauce using mildly blended tomatoes and pepper, a lot of onions and smoked fish. Evening primrose, I think is more of a European plant but it has its capsule/ gel form for swallowing. Some people add it to their cream (by separating a quantity for about 3 days) while some use it like a drug. It works well in both ways. It can also be used like the avocado oil. Apples, carrot and onions should be eaten. Onion is best eaten raw or mildly boiled.
African pear, some call it ube others Eben is also great for the skin when eaten and contains good nutrients.

The soap used to bath also contributes to skin glow. I have a combination technique for this; if you must use an antiseptic or medicated soap, then it should be a after a stressful day otherwise get yourself a good toilet soap with vitamin E or other natural extracts to enhance your skin glow.

Friday, October 10, 2014


The most amazing function of this food is its wowing effect on the brain and nerves. It gently and effectively regenerates and revitalizes the brain. Are you or is someone you know struggling with optimal brain function especially in school, please include this in their diet. It is especially good for students during exam periods.
Are struggling with sleep problems; inability to have a revitalising sleep, lack of deep sleep, no sleep at all etc, you need to include this in your diet especially in the evenings.
Are you struggling with drug addiction especially sleeping pills, this food can help overcome your addiction easier than you thought.
Are you always anxious or do you wake up with palpitations (noticeable heart beats)? Do you find it difficult to relax and stay calm? You need to add this food to your diet especially at night.
Are you depressed or struggling with depression? Is sexual impotence your problem? You need this food in your diet twice daily.
Are you struggling with nerve pain (tingling sensation under your feet and/or palm?). This food is a miracle cure.
Are you struggling with cholesterol or having indigestion as a major challenge? Add this food to your meals.
It can be eaten by anyone; pregnant, child, adult, diabetic, hypertensive etc. it is a wonderful food especially for diabetics to prevent the foot pain.

Whole grain Oat is the miracle food. It can be prepared alone or with milk or broth. Make sure its WHOLE GRAIN especially for cholesterol.


Have you ever entered a room and forgot why you came into the room? Well don’t worry so much it’s not just you. I used to be a victim too until I enlightened myself. The notion that forgetfulness goes along with aging has made people allow their brain to function below capacity. First, that notion is wrong. The information we want is present but because the brain shrinks as we age it becomes more difficult to assess information.
Stress, poor sleep, lack of exercise and sugar can cause brain shrinkage and degeneration. Research showed that make up sleep during the weekends does not replace the minimum 6-7 hours daily sleep. When we sleep the brain remove toxins and cleans up. A research showed that people that exercise often have a lesser shrunk brain that those that don’t. Sugar was believed to be the best energy source for the brain but Dr Mercola says ketone is better which also aids the brain to regenerate.
For an optimal brain function:
·         Add vegetables to your diet with sea animals especially smoked fish.
·         Eat fruits that are in season, especially in your local area, they contain less or no pesticide too.
·         Coconut oil and omega-3 fat are wonderful food for the brain

·         Keep the mind challenged constantly. Learn something new, it could be a new language, musical instrument, sport etc. Try a new post graduate program, play chess, Sudoku, scrabble etc. Personally I have noticed that academicians tend to have longer life span and sharper minds than average government employee. So don’t get lazy, write a book, compile your poems, push yourself a little more and you will realise how much less you will forget things. It’s not all boring there certain games and applications that help your brain too e.g. Luminosity, Brain Trainer Special, Cognifit Brain Fitness, Happify, Personal Zen, Fit Brain Trainer, Eidetic etc