Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Migraine is a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.
When growing, male and female children tend to have the same rate of migraine headache but the moment menses begins this rate increases massively in the female children. In summary, women have migraine headache 3 times more than men.
For some the attack is at a particular time in their menstrual period, some is during pregnancy, some pregnancy is a cure, some menopause is a cure, and some don’t have at all.
Headache generally has been referred to as a symptom of an underlying disease but it’s still a part of medical science that needs more research.
This topic is very broad but I will talk more on things that we never thought could cause migraine headaches and natural help.
Migraine headache can be triggered by the following:
1.       Food: Some meals have been reported to trigger headache. Those that take coffee a lot might come up with weekend headaches or headaches anytime they don’t take coffee. It’s best to note the food or food material that triggers this by keeping a log.
2.       Alcohol: Hangover naturally is accompanied by headache. Also alcohol beverages contain chemicals called congeners that impact taste and flavour which could have a variety of effect that cause headache if taken in excess. Alcohol is also a natural diuretic, excess consumption leads to loss of salt, vitamins and minerals from the body through urinating.
3.       Seasoning: Monosodium glutamate is a salt form of an amino acid used in food preservation or flavouring. It has been reported to trigger migraine headache in sufferers. Monosodium glutamate is found in Chinese foods, seasoning in noodles, processed meat, canned foods and packaged as ajinomoto.
4.       Stress: The body responds to pressure in so many ways, migraine headache is just one of them.
5.       Glaucoma: This is increased pressure inside the eye, often accompanied with headache. This can sometimes be a medical emergency. The major difference is that with glaucoma coloured halos are seen.
6.       Exercise: headache triggered by vigorous exercise most a times resolve by itself. In a situation where it doesn’t, it could be a sign of an underlying disease.
7.       Anaemia: is reduced oxygen carrying blood cells which makes very little oxygen available to the brain. 25% of oxygen taking into the blood per breathe is used by the brain.
8.       Depression: is most often associated with early morning awakening headache.
9.       Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of migraine headache and muscle ache.
10.   There was a research in 2012 that connects the peptic ulcer causing bacterium (helicobacter pylori) to migraine headache.
11.   Fumes, purulent smell and loud noises can trigger a migraine headache. So now you know your headache can be due to your generator or that preacher down the street.
 Taking of fruits at hangover can help tremendously to heal up and give relieve. Adding omega 3, 6 and 9 to diet have been found to be helpful against headache which makes me suggest fish in all fresh forms especially smoked. Oat meal and ginko biloba have been suggested to be helpful. High dose vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) was suggested to reduce the frequency of migraine headache. A 2002 study concluded that, 61 percent of participants found at least a 50 percent reduction in the frequency of migraine attacks over 4 months period with CoQ10. Epsom salt bath or leg bath have been reported to reduce migraine headache. This works by replenishing magnesium in the body.

If you decide to use this please inform your physician.

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