Thursday, September 11, 2014


A lady came to me to complain about her persistent vagina itching and discharge. She notified me she had used everything including sitting on hot water bucket mixed with izal (a disinfectant)....................
Now if you have done this or still do it, please stop immediately.
First, note that the vagina is a self cleaning machine, that's why you have discharge on your underwear.
The vagina is acidic and contains its own microflora(protective soldiers), all these work together to keep it healthy.
Things you should never do to and with your vagina;
1. Never insert your hand or any instrument inside for cleaning, it cleans itself.
2. Never use disinfectants or bleach; these can worsen infection and dry up the vagina.
3. Don't sit on buckets with hot water
4. Don't use garlic, potato or any other thing to wash the vagina
5. Never use detergents on the vagina.
When you do these you reduce the population of the protective soldiers and sometimes the acidity which makes the vagina vulnerable to all sorts of infection. Some women that itch often just need to change their soap to a toilet soap.
Cleaning the vagina should involve only the surface with toilet soap i.e. non medicated soap. Bubble baths with warm water shouldn't be too often because it increases the tendency of getting infection.
For women that douche, I advice them to douche once in a menstrual cycle most probably after their menstrual flow.  Douching often reduces the acidity of the vagina and predisposes it to infection.
When you want to wipe your anus, wipe from front to back not from back to front to prevent introducing faeces into your vagina.
Wash your hand before you wash your vagina after urinating, hands can introduce a bout of infectious bacteria into the vagina.
Excessive use of antibiotics can also destroy the protective soldiers in the vagina.
If you experience any form of change in the vagina please seek professional advice or let me know.

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