Monday, September 29, 2014



Contraception involves preventing pregnancy after an unsafe sexual intercourse. There are some naturally invented methods that I find amazing;
1.       I got a report that some ladies stand after sexual intercourse to allow the sperm drip out by standing with legs wide opened. Just imagine this, well I have this to say. If the sperm is agile and in a healthy semen my sister it has already passed through the cervix. The fact is that the force of expulsion of semen from the penis goes a long way to deliver the semen deep into the vagina and through the cervix.
2.       Licking lime immediately after intercourse could be of benefit with the theory of increasing the acidity of the vagina which reduces the effectiveness of alkaline semen. Two challenges should be noted with this. First, the mechanical challenge of timing; the speed with which the sperm passes through the vagina vis a vis how long it will take the lime to alter the acidity of the vagina. Secondly, this is just a theory which has no experimental back up.
3.       Drinking of Schweppes, bitter lemon etc might also follow the lime theory above.
4.       There was a report of a girl that inserted Irish potato into her vagina as a contraceptive, claiming she was advised by her mother. On this issue I’ll say “na wa o”.
5.       There have been cases in the 1950s of women using coke to douche after sexual intercourse. A Harvard medical school’s experiment proved that diet coke completely killed sperm in the laboratory but researchers have not been able to verify this.
6.       Before and during the world war, women drank the water used by blacksmiths to cool hot metals as a contraceptive. A dangerous method that has been thought to lead to neurological problems, kidney failure, coma etc
7.       Crocodile faeces were inserted into the vagina by some northern African countries hoping it will kill the sperm.
8.       In South Asia and Southeast Asia, men were advised to eat seeds of pawpaw which should help reduce sperm count to zero. I don’t know of any experiment that proves this but there is information that the process is reversible by just stopping the intake of pawpaw seeds. My take on this is that if this really works how come China which is in Asia has more population than Africa. Are the pawpaw seeds not enough?
9.       Pig’s intestine were the first form of condoms, maybe sausage making brought the idea. In ancient times, it came with a manual suggesting soaking in milk for optimal use. Imagine a condom with manual

If you have any weird or crazy contraceptive idea kindly drop it here.

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