Tuesday, September 30, 2014


So many people are having intercourse but very few actually have sex. Now, intercourse is a process of sexual stimulation that leads quickly to sexual satisfaction (I would have said orgasm but the experience doesn't meet with the definition of orgasm). Sex is a series of highly stimulating process that leads through a feeling of highness to orgasm (which is defined by a scientist as a state that is very similar to taking heroin).
Now you can establish the category you belong. The first rule of sex according to the ancient arts is “Never Rush”. This brings me to the chemistry of foreplay.
Foreplay is the gentle journey to a state where sexual gratification cannot be refused or rejected. The brain has a pleasure centre that functions to make sexual experience wonderful. So also does the spinal cord. There is a substance in the body called dopamine which is responsible for this excitement and it is accompanied by substances called endogenous opioid peptides which are like morphine and function to cut off pain (that’s why you only feel the injury after sex).
A profound foreplay helps achieve optimal secretions and stimulation of these substances that ends up promoting sexual stimulation and a fantastic orgasm. For men, there is evidence that this kind of foreplay can reduce and in some cases complete eliminate the refractory phase after ejaculation hence a man can maintain a strong erection straight for two or more ejaculation/orgasm.
The orgasm experienced is usually very deep and ecstatic. I have long theorized that the long active presence of these substances in their stimulating areas can transform a sexual experience completely.
The most important ingredient that initiates these substances is anticipation. Foreplay starts with anticipation, so send a naughty sms to your partner at work, talk dirty on phone, or send a picture or a voice note.
Talk together; dinner for two, see a romantic movie or a comedy together, play a naughty game, sensual oily massage, shower together without sex, mop up each other after bathing, bubble bath together, blindfold your partner while you slowly undress and kiss him or her etc.
Another important rule is to refrain from highly sensitive areas like: the penis, vagina and also not rushing to the breasts. Take the trip gently, so that the process of sexual staircase is followed. Jumping from 1 to 30 makes you skip the 28 sensual phases or steps that will transform your body into ecstasy. Leaving these highly sensitive areas for last increases the pressure in the pelvis by almost tenfold, so that on stimulation there is a massive implosion of pleasure that triggers extensive activity in the brain’s pleasure centre.
When you have both arrived at a mutual conclusion that sexual gratification cannot be held back any longer, select a position that suites you both.

Note that drug abuse reduces the body’s response to sexual stimulation.





Before I discovered this, I had never combined headache and sex in the same thought stream. Yes sexual headaches are real and affect more men than women in a ratio of 4:1. So find out if your partner is a victim, this could be his reason for refusing.
Benign sexual headaches are of two types; in the first type, the excitement accompanying intercourse causes muscle contraction in the head and neck, thus leading to head pain. The second type is a vascular headache; very intense severe headache usually occurring just before orgasm. It is referred to as orgasmic headache. In some instances, the headache is a response to an increase in blood pressure, in which the blood vessels dilate.
Orgasmic headache is not usually related to the amount of physical exertion involved in intercourse. The pain may be located around or behind the eyes. It usually lasts a few minutes, but can last for hours. The headache is usually made worse by movement.

A headache occurring with orgasm could be a symptom of a brain haemorrhage (bleeding around or inside the brain), stroke or tumour. An accompanying stiffness in the neck may be an indication of bleeding into the spinal fluid.


Migraine is a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision.
When growing, male and female children tend to have the same rate of migraine headache but the moment menses begins this rate increases massively in the female children. In summary, women have migraine headache 3 times more than men.
For some the attack is at a particular time in their menstrual period, some is during pregnancy, some pregnancy is a cure, some menopause is a cure, and some don’t have at all.
Headache generally has been referred to as a symptom of an underlying disease but it’s still a part of medical science that needs more research.
This topic is very broad but I will talk more on things that we never thought could cause migraine headaches and natural help.
Migraine headache can be triggered by the following:
1.       Food: Some meals have been reported to trigger headache. Those that take coffee a lot might come up with weekend headaches or headaches anytime they don’t take coffee. It’s best to note the food or food material that triggers this by keeping a log.
2.       Alcohol: Hangover naturally is accompanied by headache. Also alcohol beverages contain chemicals called congeners that impact taste and flavour which could have a variety of effect that cause headache if taken in excess. Alcohol is also a natural diuretic, excess consumption leads to loss of salt, vitamins and minerals from the body through urinating.
3.       Seasoning: Monosodium glutamate is a salt form of an amino acid used in food preservation or flavouring. It has been reported to trigger migraine headache in sufferers. Monosodium glutamate is found in Chinese foods, seasoning in noodles, processed meat, canned foods and packaged as ajinomoto.
4.       Stress: The body responds to pressure in so many ways, migraine headache is just one of them.
5.       Glaucoma: This is increased pressure inside the eye, often accompanied with headache. This can sometimes be a medical emergency. The major difference is that with glaucoma coloured halos are seen.
6.       Exercise: headache triggered by vigorous exercise most a times resolve by itself. In a situation where it doesn’t, it could be a sign of an underlying disease.
7.       Anaemia: is reduced oxygen carrying blood cells which makes very little oxygen available to the brain. 25% of oxygen taking into the blood per breathe is used by the brain.
8.       Depression: is most often associated with early morning awakening headache.
9.       Magnesium deficiency is a common cause of migraine headache and muscle ache.
10.   There was a research in 2012 that connects the peptic ulcer causing bacterium (helicobacter pylori) to migraine headache.
11.   Fumes, purulent smell and loud noises can trigger a migraine headache. So now you know your headache can be due to your generator or that preacher down the street.
 Taking of fruits at hangover can help tremendously to heal up and give relieve. Adding omega 3, 6 and 9 to diet have been found to be helpful against headache which makes me suggest fish in all fresh forms especially smoked. Oat meal and ginko biloba have been suggested to be helpful. High dose vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) was suggested to reduce the frequency of migraine headache. A 2002 study concluded that, 61 percent of participants found at least a 50 percent reduction in the frequency of migraine attacks over 4 months period with CoQ10. Epsom salt bath or leg bath have been reported to reduce migraine headache. This works by replenishing magnesium in the body.

If you decide to use this please inform your physician.


First you have to break the hymen (deflower), then it gets very wet, few days of bleeding a month, pregnancy sets in (suggesting more sex), post pregnancy sex fast, complimented by varying methods of contraception, a fluctuating period, then blood finally stops showing up and just when sex should be enjoyed without checking the calendar the vagina goes dry permanently. With this I justify why married women should enjoy sex when they are young. A man just needs to want it and that’s all, no obstruction, no limitations at all. But I think erectile dysfunction is a form of male sexual pause to meet up the dryness in their partners.
I respect married men that are still interested in satisfying their wives after menopause. It’s like starting sex all over again. You will need to rediscover erogenous zones, explore new techniques to prevent pain and bone injury.
The deep penetrating positions like “from behind” can be very painful for women beyond menopause. Woman on top, missionary and less penetrating positions can be very helpful. Slow pace and more foreplay are very helpful. Massage, bubble bath (just water preferred), swimming are forms of foreplay to boost sensuality.
The perpetual dryness of the vagina poses a threat to the use of condoms (why use condoms except you are trying to prevent STI). Lubricants like ky jelly, astroglide are fantastic even with condoms. The vagina health is improved with more sex at this age. It reduces shrinkage and creates a process that reduces dryness.
Soya beans, pumpkin seeds (ugwu), apples, walnuts, coconuts, cashewnuts, are very helpful for post menopausal vaginal health. Soya beans contain a natural form of oestrogen that helps reduce vaginal dryness.

I suggest more sexual activity, as much as once daily to promote the health of the vaginal muscles.


New research examining parabens found in cancerous human breast tissue points the finger at antiperspirants and other cosmetics for increasing the risk of breast cancer.
The research, which is also reviewed in an editorial published in the Journal of Applied Toxicology, looked at where breast tumors were appearing, and determined that higher concentrations of parabens were found in the upper quadrants of the breast and axillary area (armpit), where antiperspirants are usually applied.
Parabens are chemicals that serve as preservatives in antiperspirants and many cosmetics, as well as sun lotions. Previous studies have shown that all parabens have estrogenic activity in human breast cancer cells.
The featured study by Barr et.al. discovered one or more paraben esters in 99 percent of the 160 tissue samples collected from 40 mastectomies. In 60 percent of the samples, all five paraben esters were present. There were no correlations between paraben concentrations and age, length of breast feeding, tumor location, or tumor estrogen receptor content.
Paraben esters are as follows:
·         Propylparabens
·         Methylparabens
·         Buthylparabens
·         Ethylparabens
·         Isobuthylparabens
While antiperspirants are a common source of parabens, the researchers note that the source of the parabens cannot be established, and that 7 of the 40 patients reportedly never used deodorants or antiperspirants in their lifetime. What this tells us is that parabens, regardless of the source, can bioaccumulate in breast tissue.
And the sources are many. Parabens can be found in a wide variety of personal care products, cosmetics, as well as drugs.
 It appears through the skin is the most significant form of exposure; research shows that the liver converts paraben esters taking into the body through drugs into harmless substances.
The safety of parabens has never been established. Its use is depended on a research on rats in 1956.
Two esters of Parabens are in my own body cream. I have always been convinced that lots of additives in our care products and processed foods accumulate to cause us problems.
In the villages people are getting older in good health but the urban areas are filled with middle aged people struggling with one form of disease or the other.
So please be kind and share this information especially with women.

For more information email me: ewalds06@yahoo.com

Monday, September 29, 2014



Contraception involves preventing pregnancy after an unsafe sexual intercourse. There are some naturally invented methods that I find amazing;
1.       I got a report that some ladies stand after sexual intercourse to allow the sperm drip out by standing with legs wide opened. Just imagine this, well I have this to say. If the sperm is agile and in a healthy semen my sister it has already passed through the cervix. The fact is that the force of expulsion of semen from the penis goes a long way to deliver the semen deep into the vagina and through the cervix.
2.       Licking lime immediately after intercourse could be of benefit with the theory of increasing the acidity of the vagina which reduces the effectiveness of alkaline semen. Two challenges should be noted with this. First, the mechanical challenge of timing; the speed with which the sperm passes through the vagina vis a vis how long it will take the lime to alter the acidity of the vagina. Secondly, this is just a theory which has no experimental back up.
3.       Drinking of Schweppes, bitter lemon etc might also follow the lime theory above.
4.       There was a report of a girl that inserted Irish potato into her vagina as a contraceptive, claiming she was advised by her mother. On this issue I’ll say “na wa o”.
5.       There have been cases in the 1950s of women using coke to douche after sexual intercourse. A Harvard medical school’s experiment proved that diet coke completely killed sperm in the laboratory but researchers have not been able to verify this.
6.       Before and during the world war, women drank the water used by blacksmiths to cool hot metals as a contraceptive. A dangerous method that has been thought to lead to neurological problems, kidney failure, coma etc
7.       Crocodile faeces were inserted into the vagina by some northern African countries hoping it will kill the sperm.
8.       In South Asia and Southeast Asia, men were advised to eat seeds of pawpaw which should help reduce sperm count to zero. I don’t know of any experiment that proves this but there is information that the process is reversible by just stopping the intake of pawpaw seeds. My take on this is that if this really works how come China which is in Asia has more population than Africa. Are the pawpaw seeds not enough?
9.       Pig’s intestine were the first form of condoms, maybe sausage making brought the idea. In ancient times, it came with a manual suggesting soaking in milk for optimal use. Imagine a condom with manual

If you have any weird or crazy contraceptive idea kindly drop it here.


The government of many countries have abortion completely banned but still the process is performed. Many professionals refuse to perform this procedure because of ethics which makes the desperate lady find the nearest quack, take friendly advice or do something very dangerous.
There are myths about abortive processes and products, they include;
1.       First Schweppes plus lime cannot cause abortion. There is a theory that it could work as an emergency contraceptive by increasing the acidity of the vagina. Semen is basic and there is neutralization reaction in the vagina but when the acidity of the vagina is maintained it could slow down the sperm’s action. This is just a theory please note.
2.       High concentration of salt in water cannot cause abortion but can affect your heart function.
3.       Eating garlic and ginger cannot in anyway lead to abortion
4.       Consumption of high dose of Andrew liver salt will only make you purge
5.       Using of garment hanger to mechanically perform d&c is very dangerous and shows how desperate these younglings can be.
6.       The use of potash (kaun) has not proven to be of any benefit.
7.       Some ladies drink blue, as in the blue used to wash cloths. For crying out loud who invented this? This is supposed to be a form of dye.
8.       There have been reports of girls inserting herbs into their vagina to abort a pregnancy. Certainly there are plants that can induce abortion but they should be taking orally. Plants are made up of a lot of constituents which are better handled through the stomach route than through the vagina route.
9.       Some girls chew razor blade and all sorts of harsh things hoping to abort their pregnancy. Bad news for them the mouth, throat, stomach, intestine and anus tract is very different and well shielded from the womb.
The idea of using something harsh either through the mouth or vagina is gruesome and can lead to unbelievable fatal outcomes. I suggest that parents should be closer and less rigid with their female kids especially teenagers. Give them a space to talk, let them know that no matter what problem they find themselves in home is still the best place for help.
For those that visit quacks for medications and those who go online to get information on drugs to procure, I have this advice for you; confirm the dose of the drug because the dose of pregnancy below 3 months is different from that of a pregnancy at term. If a high dose is given it could break the womb.

Lovely ladies, you are beautiful in your own way so don’t believe the lies. Be wise about your choices, pregnancy is one thing that can change your life forever either wonderfully or otherwise.


The choice of preventing pregnancy by using levonorgestrel (postinor 2, postinor1, rogotinor etc) is not as safe as people think. Firstly, let me teach you how best to use this medication.
Levonorgestrel is used 0.75mg every 12hourly and only 2 tablets are needed per time. This drug is used within 72 hours of intercourse; it is most effective when it is used ASAP.
It should be used when unprotected sexual intercourse takes place within the ovulation period (which is gotten by dividing your cycle into 2 plus minus 4days. Some women use this drug every time they have sex. This is wrong and not the best way to use the drug. It is best used once in a menstrual cycle.

It has side effects which include gastrointestinal disturbances, changes in appetite or weight, fluid retention, oedema, acne, chloasma(melasma), allergic skin rashes, urticaria, mental depression, breast changes including discomfort or occasionally gynaecomastia, changes in libido, hair loss, hirsutism, fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia, fever, headache, premenstrual syndrome-like symptoms, and altered menstrual cycles or irregular menstrual bleeding. 


Abortion is against the laws of so many countries but from experience I can tell you that in every 10 girls within the age of 20 and 25 that resides in an urban area a minimum of 5 have had abortion. That is 50% of the population. Most professionals refuse to help which pushes these girls to quacks. I don’t support abortion, I preach condom or abstinence (even a lot of condoms this days break which is caused by a lot of factors ranging from friction, using more than one condom to very vigorous sexual activity) but for the sake of the unfortunate I let this out.
Abortion by drug or D&C needs recovery. First, antibiotic are needed to reduce bacteria load. A combination of antibiotics that possess good soft tissue perfusion, wide spectrum for both gram positive and negative bacteria with a parasitolytic.
Secondly, I suggest tremendous rest from all forms of stressful activity.
Thirdly, replenish lost blood cells with folic acid 5mg daily and iron polymaltase 100mg daily.
Fourthly, good food with lots of dried fish, vegetable (pumpkin leaves, ugwu leaves), snail, periwinkle. Spicy and peppery meals should be reduced to the minimum. This should be done for at least 2 weeks.

 If abortion was well performed menses should occur within 35days of abortion.


A woman came to me, she was 52years. This was the conversation we had
Woman: can I be pregnant?
Me: if you still menstruate, certainly
Woman: really? Kai, I haven’t seen my menses for a week now
Me: it could also be menopausal signs but I will suggest a pregnancy test to be sure.
Woman: ah, my daughter is pregnant too, I can’t be pregnant.
Talking to herself: how will I tell my children.
Me: did you have sexual intercourse with your husband since your last menses?
Woman: hmmmmm, just once in the kitchen. Abi, it was just once now.
I couldn’t hold my smile when she gave this response, in my mind I was like “in the kitchen?” at 52, wow, thumbs up.
Well she did both urine and blood pregnancy test and all were negative, she almost danced.
At about 45 years of age many women start experiencing fluctuating menstrual cycle which is due to fluctuating hormones. This is referred to as peri-menopause and it can last for 5 years. Menses can become very heavy or otherwise. It’s better to be prepared always. Menopause is said to have occurred if there is no menstruation in a period of 12months.

Evening primrose is very helpful in balancing the fluctuating hormones at menopause. Exercise like walking, brisk walking, bicycle riding also sports like badminton, table tennis can greatly help. Adding to diet vegetables, fruits, and especially fish (dried fish), snail and reduction of beef and processed food help to stay healthy. Pumpkin seeds (ugwu) and soy beans are of great benefit. Nuts like coconut, cashewnut, boiled groundnut, walnut help provide vital nutrients that help your body.


The presence of nausea during menstrual pain leads to loss of appetite, which makes me advice that analgesics should be taken with food to prevent stomach ulcer.
Some analgesics are just dangerous; piroxicam (felvin®, feldene® etc) should be taking 20mg in 24 hours with food. Many people overdose with this drug, some as high as 120mg daily. This is dangerous and can cause very fatal side effects. This particular drug has been removed from first and second line treatment in the UK. The maximum dose that can reduce pain is 20mg; any extra mg increases the tendency of side effect.
Stomach ulcer is a major side effect of many analgesics especially piroxicam and indomethacin (indocid®). There is a higher population of women with stomach ulcer than men and apart from women being more stressed and doing more fasting I feel this wrong use of analgesic has contributed to this population tremendously.
Most analgesics are usually recommended for menstrual pain but some work much better. My personal favourite is a combination of paracetamol and orphenadrine citrate (orphesic®, Anorol®). Celecoxib is good, so also is mefenamic acid. Orphenadrine is my personal favourite because it reduces pain without affecting the normal movement (peristatis) that helps the menstrual flow.

For severe pain especially associated with fibroid I suggest drotaverine (Nospa®) + diclofenac potassium powder (voltfast®). Always consult your physician for advice.


About a day or 2 before menstruation, a pain that can range from mild, moderate to severe, usually felt under the belly button. Some ladies get admitted in hospital wards every month for menstrual pain. There was a case of a girl whom her father always came to pick her every month while she was in the boarding house just because of her severe menstrual pain.
Menstrual pain is worsened by taking sugary snacks, chocolate, alcohol, chewing gum and sweets within a week of menstruation. Taking lots of water, vegetable and fruits can greatly help reduce menstrual pain. Drinking the infusion of orange tree leaves is of tremendous benefit in menstrual pain. Evening primrose oil is of benefit against menstrual pain; taking it before onset of menstruation. Caffeine; found in the energy drinks and coffee can be of benefit in menstrual pain.
The presence of nausea during menstrual pain leads to loss of appetite; hence analgesics are taking in empty stomach which can erode the lining of the stomach causing gastric ulcer. Analgesics should be taken with food to prevent stomach ulcer.
In cases of menstrual pain these are recommended: rest, heat, wearing loose-fitting clothing, and exercise.
Menstrual pain should reduce within 2 days; if it takes longer it could be a symptom of an underlying disease. The good news is that most women that experience menstrual pain have it reduce tremendously after giving birth.

Pain may also be felt after menstruation, in the middle of the menstrual cycle or during ovulation. It can last from between hours to days but not more than 2 days. The myth that sexual intercourse reduces menstrual pain is unverified and I think is a stupid excuse to engage in sex.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Do you know that girls as young as 9 years now have menses? The first menstruation should occur between 9 and 16 years of age. Race, nutrition and body mass determine onset. There is evidence to prove that girls with early onset menses usually have better intellectual power.
Fluctuation in menstruation can be very annoying but you could be causing this without knowing. Many things affect the menstrual cycle but the most important are drugs. Antibiotics can scatter the menstrual cycle; either making it longer or shorter. Some ladies report seeing their menses 3 times a month, how inconvenient. Emergency contraceptives like levonogestrel (postinor2, postinor 1 etc) most often fluctuate the menstrual cycle; making ladies get the PT strip. Aborting a pregnancy usually delays the menstruation by about 35 days and more.
There have been cases of ladies and even girls who stopped having menses due to extreme stress. There was a case of a girl who had no menstruation for 3 months. Tests were done, even ultrasound was performed but all were negative. She was then referred to a psychologist.
Women who work and live together might have the same menstrual cycle; during menstruation the body releases pheromones which may trigger the menstruation of others.
Some foods have been reported to affect menstrual cycle so take note if your cycle changes it could be a meal due to a diet change. Some menstrual cycles just fluctuate for no known cause; well Evening primrose has been used for ages to help regulate irregular menstruation.
An unusually long menstrual cycle (32days and above) should be checked by a physician to prevent something serious. Infections (Candida, Chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, herpes) can also affect menstrual cycle. Fibroids and pelvic inflammatory disease can affect menstrual cycle. Peptic ulcer disease can also affect menstrual cycle.

Try to know yourself, keep dates of menstruation on your phone calendar and this will help your physician a great deal in treating. All clarifications are welcome.

Saturday, September 13, 2014


I remember a lady asking me this question "Any time I want to have sex I stink"
Actually it’s not just during sex, it must have been that you are already familiar with the stench and your partner is not.
Every vagina has its own unique fragrance, depending on level of moisture, secretions, cleaning habit and consumption of some foods.
Odour often means infection; it usually accompanies bacteria or fungal infection.  A white discharge with a fishlike odour is most probably a fungal infection and a yellow or brown discharge with cheese-like odour usually means bacterial infection.
Now if you have established that an odour is present in your vagina, seek professional help or contact me.
For those that will love to improve the fragrance of their vagina, hold on to these tips
  1. 1.       Go through my previous post on “Cleaning the vagina”
  2. 2.       Wear underwear and clothing that allows the vagina breathe; wear cotton majorly and others only occasionally
  3. 3.      Remove wet and sweaty underwear as soon as possible. Wear fresh underwear to preserve vagina fragrance
  4. 4.      Change sanitary pads, tampons or panty liners frequently during the day as often as 4-6 hours to maintain the vagina fragrance
  5. 5.      Pubic hair traps sweat and fluid which gives an unpleasant odour, trimming or complete shaving of pubic is best. it maintains fragrance and appeals sexually
  6. 6.      Use of deodorant, perfume, feminine spray can lead to irritations. Allow the fragrance of the vagina instead (this can also have sexual appeal)
  7. 7.      Eating pineapple fruit freshens the fragrance of the vagina and adds scent. So also is taking watermelon, apple, yoghurt and mint. Coconut, cashew-nut, walnut also aid in vagina health
  8. 8.      Taking yoghurt helps sustains the microbial flora; keeping infections away.

Keep to this for a few days and you will notice the difference. It will make you fall in love with your own body and this boosts self esteem, confidence and beauty.
Now don’t expect your partner to notice immediately (it could quench your zeal), especially if he doesn't go down there. It’s best to make it a habit.

If you have trouble keeping to this let me know.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


A lady came to me to complain about her persistent vagina itching and discharge. She notified me she had used everything including sitting on hot water bucket mixed with izal (a disinfectant)....................
Now if you have done this or still do it, please stop immediately.
First, note that the vagina is a self cleaning machine, that's why you have discharge on your underwear.
The vagina is acidic and contains its own microflora(protective soldiers), all these work together to keep it healthy.
Things you should never do to and with your vagina;
1. Never insert your hand or any instrument inside for cleaning, it cleans itself.
2. Never use disinfectants or bleach; these can worsen infection and dry up the vagina.
3. Don't sit on buckets with hot water
4. Don't use garlic, potato or any other thing to wash the vagina
5. Never use detergents on the vagina.
When you do these you reduce the population of the protective soldiers and sometimes the acidity which makes the vagina vulnerable to all sorts of infection. Some women that itch often just need to change their soap to a toilet soap.
Cleaning the vagina should involve only the surface with toilet soap i.e. non medicated soap. Bubble baths with warm water shouldn't be too often because it increases the tendency of getting infection.
For women that douche, I advice them to douche once in a menstrual cycle most probably after their menstrual flow.  Douching often reduces the acidity of the vagina and predisposes it to infection.
When you want to wipe your anus, wipe from front to back not from back to front to prevent introducing faeces into your vagina.
Wash your hand before you wash your vagina after urinating, hands can introduce a bout of infectious bacteria into the vagina.
Excessive use of antibiotics can also destroy the protective soldiers in the vagina.
If you experience any form of change in the vagina please seek professional advice or let me know.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


It will amaze you how much you don't know about you and how much you will learn from me. The desire to meet your need brought me here, so stay tuned...................