Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It is all over the news that prostate cancer tendency reduced in men who have had up to twenty sexual partners than those who have had lower. This is not the first time sexual intercourse is connected to prostate cancer, the conclusion is that the frequency of ejaculation i.e cum helps reduce this tendency hence this should bring partners closer for more sexual activity and not break unions; what God has joined together let no man ....................
This research also showed that for homosexuals who have had up to 20 male partners, the tendency to have prostate cancer doubled. The research also discovered that men who have never had sexual intercourse were twice more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This information is attributed to the University of Montreal by all publishers but I can’t find any information on this from the University’s site or any online journal to prove this. On prostate cancer just maintain a healthy and consistent sexual life; also sea kelp has been found to be of benefit.


That feeling, a rusty aching feeling all over the body that makes you want to just stay all day in bed; scientists call it fatigue i.e mental or physical exhaustion, simply put, your body craves rest. Everyone experiences this at a moment in their lifetime but not everybody can satisfy the craving the body needs for rest.
A good diet filled with variety, fruits and vegetables can help prevent this. Oats is very replenishing for the brain so also is yoghurt to the stomach and intestines. Alternatively multivitamin drugs can replenish all diminished or lost nutrient. The best in the market are
·         Supradyn®
·         Pharmaton®
·         Omega H3®
·         Centrum performance®

·         Lycoset®

Monday, November 17, 2014


For about 4 days now I have been struggling with mouth sore. I can’t eat what I want to eat and it just ruined my weekend. My excess travelling of late has forced me to eat mainly rice and I am suffering for it. The main issue with mouth sore is lack of vitamin B2 (riboflavin )reffered to as Pellagra; it’s symptoms include flaky skin around the genitals, itchy and watery eyes, and reduced growth in children

Lack of green vegetables has caused this to me so for those who get very busy try to keep this in your tight meals; milk, meat, eggs, nut, green vegetables, liver, kidney, yeast. In our bid to make ends meet we shouldn’t be denied the beautiful tastes of life

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Young parents are burdened with friendly advices from a million and one friends, family and acquaintances on how best to take care of a baby. They fine tune their advice with “it worked for my baby”. Just the way beans purges gorge but for frank it’s a great meal so also babies are different, even twins.
When a baby doesn’t get satisfaction from breast milk all you need to do is include a protein like blended crayfish and or fish in his/her diet. Probably added to a slippery soup like ogbono, ewedu etc.
Fruits are fantastic for children but the first fruits to introduce to a child are avocado pear, African pear (ube, eben) and carrot. They are the most acceptable fruits for children. This can act as a step to introducing other fruits. Nuts are also satisfying e.g. coconut, cashew nut.

Everybody claims to be an expert in child care as long as they have had a child before, note that when you notice anything unusual consult a professional and enlighten yourself by checking online for information.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Simple tips to help in weight loss.
·         Take apples before meals.
·         Take avocado or African pear with lunch
·         Take beans in all its preparations.
·         Eat soup garnished with many proteins especially those from the sea.
·         Cucumber should be in your diet.
·         Chilli pepper burns fat
·         Dark chocolate reduces blood pressure; protecting heart and brain
·         Take eggs especially boiled

·         Nuts of all sorts; cashew nut, groundnut, walnut, coconut etc. helps make you feel fuller.


Coconut is one of my favourite fruits. It is very versatile and extremely nourishing. Coconut oil can be used as a deodorant, toothpaste and to aid weight loss. Now you don’t know this about coconut oil so relax and enjoy;
1.      Improves digestion
2.      Reduces candida infection (vaginal issues)
3.      Moisturises the skin
4.      Reduces cellulite
5.      Decreases wrinkles and age spots
6.      Balance blood sugar and improves energy even for diabetics
7.      Improves Alzheimer’s disease
8.      Increases good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces bad cholesterol (LDL)
9.      Burns fat
10.  Balances hormone
11.  Coconut oil is superior to olive oil because it can be cooked to high temperatures without smoking
12.  Coconut oil can be added to coffee, as chocolate fondue, smoothies, popcorn toppings, as baking oil, used for homemade mayonnaise etc.
13.  Coconut oil has great beauty benefits which include: as lip balm against chapped lips, in making shampoo, face wash, wound salve, in making hair conditioner, body lotion, eye makeup remover, shaving cream, bath soak, sunscreen/sunburn remedy, intimate lubricant (as astroglide or ky gel), massage oil.

My personal experience makes me conclude that coconut helps protect the body from malaria disease when eaten daily. Coconut oil repels insects also. So now you know much more about that simple looking fruit called coconut.