Saturday, May 30, 2015


Nobody tells you the truth; not your friends, not your relatives. There is just no easy way to say it. You can find out if you have body odor when people interact so quickly with you, when you rarely make new friends and when nobody offers you their baby to carry. Body odor can make you lose a job interview, it can make you lose a contract, even the love of your life and much more so it is very pertinent to identify this problem and address it effectively. The first advice from me is that you develop a great interest in cologne; a good combination of perfume can make you saint always. These tips are very helpful
·         Keep it clean: This may seem very simple. One of the main causes of bad body odor is a general lack of physical hygiene. You can dramatically improve the scent of your body by improving your hygienic approach. Wash away bacteria that cause body odor by having regular baths using antimicrobial soap. Apply soap especially on odor danger spots such as the underarms.
·         Control your emotions: Emotions such as anger and anxiety can trigger sweating in a big way. With extra volume of sweating comes sweat, and with sweat comes potential body odor. Controlling your emotions can go a long way in controlling bad body odor.
·         Wardrobe management: More than just keeping yourself clean, you need to keep your clothes clean as well. It’s not recommended that you wear the same pieces of clothing the next day as these can actually contribute to body odor. Effective clothes washing can also help you out immensely.
·         Eating management: Particular foods have the ability to create body odor. For instance, spicy foods have the ability to make you sweat more than usual. What’s more, particular substances in spices mix with your sweat and create a distinctively unpleasant odor.
·         Add some skin protection: When you think of skin protection, the first thing that comes to mind is using deodorant, but that is not the only way you can provide protection for your skin. Other products such as talcum powder and baking soda are capable of absorbing excess sweat too.
·         Dry yourself out well: Bacteria are known to love moist and wet conditions. That’s why it’s a must to wipe your skin dry using a towel after hard sweating like during exercise and bathing.
·         Use antimicrobial products: Body odor usually happens because of the presence of bacterial colonies in your skin. If body odor is becoming too tough to manage, you may have to use disinfecting agents such as hydrogen peroxide and cider vinegar.
·         Soaking your feet in salt: One of the most notorious sites for body odor is the feet. To prevent your feet from smelling, it’s great to give them a salt bath which is an effective means of killing bacteria.
While each of these remedies is effective in getting rid of body odor, one-time use won’t give you the results you want. You have to diligently perform these activities most especially those having to do with hygiene – to prevent body odor from fully manifesting itself.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Crunchy, sweet, fibre filled and oil enriched is the fruit found in every beach in the world. Coconut is high in fibre, protein, good fat and carbohydrates. It has low glyceamic index (meaning even diabetics can take it), low sugar and low calories. It is very good for all ages and can be eaten as coconut rice, coconut and garri, coconut and roasted corn etc.
I have a personal experience which makes me assume coconut can help boost immune system especially against the malaria parasite. I was in Lagos for some months awhile ago and you must have heard or encountered Lagos mosquitoes; they are immune to insecticides, showcase profound intelligence and suck with a drill not proboscis. For a period of 3 months, I experienced this every night and never can down with malaria. The only constant thing I ate daily was coconut.

All nuts are good for the body but one of the most available of them is coconut. Add it to your diet today.

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Rahman III ruled over spain for almost 50 years. He was favourably regarded as an effective and powerful leader, but this was found in his personal writings “I have now reigned about 50 years in victory or peace, beloved by my subjects, dreaded by my enemies, and respected by my allies. Riches and honour, power and pleasure, have waited on my call, nor does any earthly blessing appear to have been lacking for my happiness. In this situation I have diligently numbered the days of pure genuine happiness which have fallen to my lot. They amount to fourteen.”
The lesson from this is that happiness doesn’t fall into our live we have to identify, cultivate and direct it. There is a school of thought addressing happiness as what you acquire from having and joy as what you experience from giving. Here are the pathways to happiness
Ask yourself “Am I happy?” and let your heart, soul and body search deep for the answer. Do you react with a deep breath? What memories trickle into your mind? Who comes to your mind? All these will form the basis for a genuine answer.
If you conclude that your happiness level needs increase, then take the necessary steps. Put in mind that if years from now, you will look back and wish you had done something, gone somewhere or met someone, I suggest you prevent that regret right now. Know your temperament and discover yourself, this will better inform you on how best to stay happy.
Don’t wait for an ideal or better life circumstances to be happy. Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay.
It is far easier to maintain good health than to regain it. A Chinese philosopher, Hong Zicheng wisely observed “the ailments of old age are really those incurred in youthful times”. To keep your body healthy and mind happy, engage in regular exercise. A recent study revealed that it is never too late to begin an exercise routine and that doing so offers great benefits.
Happiness is increased when the people around you are also happy. Visiting prisons, orphanages, hospitals etc help the mind form a thankful stream of thought and the happiness of these individuals you visit are highly contagious. A scenario involving a teacher and a student who came last in class; the teacher desired to make the student feel better on seeing him very upset so he said “someone has to come thirtieth in a class of thirty. This year, it happens to be you who has made the heroic sacrifice, so that none of your friends have to suffer the ignominy of being last in the class. You are so kind for doing this, so compassionate. You deserve a medal.” With the fact that both of them knew that was ridiculous the student grinned and didn’t take it as such an end-of the-world event anymore.
Self condemnation and regrets are huge happiness killers. Let go of places from your past where you did not live up to the optimum. Remind yourself you are human, not super human; that everyone, yourself included gets to make mistakes and have a lapse in judgement.
Don’t take life too seriously; you only get to live once. Try this; smile to almost everyone you see and meet on a day and frown the next. You will discover that day 1 will feel a lot better. Smile is a universal language that is highly contagious.
I heard a talk by a music producer who was born blind; he plays the organ, has produced a lot of musicians and is a multimillionaire. The summary of his happiness and success was simple, he never gave in to self pity.
Learn about happiness from the dying. Bronnie Ware worked in a hospice for years. Based on her experience she wrote the book Top Five Regrets of The Dying. Those regrets are:
·         I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself
·         I wish I hadn’t worked so hard
·         I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings
·         I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends

·         I wish I had let myself be happier

Saturday, January 31, 2015


Some say music is the food of the soul and its in record that angels sing daily before God. I take this as an insight into the benefit and pleasure of music. The brain is engaged and excited when we read or solve a mathematical problem but when we listen to music its almost like fireworks in the brain. The activity in the brain is tremendous. 
All this are still little compared to the reaction of the brain when we produce music. Scientists and neurologists described the activity in the brain as been like a full body workout. The level and volume of activity in the brain brings to conclusion that musicians will solve problems more creatively and effectively in both social and academic settings.
Because making music also involves crafting and understanding its emotional content and message, musicians also have higher levels of executive function — a category of interlinked tasks that includes planning, strategizing, and attention to detail, and requires simultaneous analysis of both cognitive and emotional aspects.

This ability also has an impact on how our memory systems work. And, indeed, musicians exhibit enhanced memory functions — creating, storing, and retrieving memories more quickly and efficiently.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Simply put “if it is sweet it is bad for you and if it is bitter it is good”. This is a wrong impression carried around by majority of people and even health professionals. To make clear the extent of this myth, a client of mine once argued with me that stout is bitter hence it is good for diabetes. What I made him understand is that all forms of alcohol can increase blood sugar.
It is true that sugar is sweet so also is honey which should be avoided in diabetes but sweet potato is sweet and is currently been researched for benefits in diabetes. When it comes to food and blood sugar we use glyceamic index. Glyceamic index (GI) is just the ability of a food to increase blood sugar, so a food is either high, moderate or low. Low GI foods are the best, moderate GI foods are okay but high GI foods are best avoided or eaten occasionally. For example pineapple has high GI and Oats has low GI, Wheat has moderate GI and white yam has high GI.
To make this clear I will make a list of local Nigerian meals and fruits that should be avoided or reduced by diabetics or those with high tendency.
• White Yam: in all forms; pounded yam, yam porridge, yam pepper soup, boiled yam, roasted yam, fried yam, yam powder(Elubo ishu) etc
• Rice: in all forms; jollof rice, fried rice, coconut rice etc
• Garri: in all forms; soaked garri, Eba etc
• Fufu
• Starch
• Pineapple
• Pando Yam
• Oluiyan Rice flour
• Corn
• Red meat
• Chicken Skin
• Animal fat
• Alcohol
• Cigarette
Below are the list of foods and fruits that are of moderate or low GI
• Plantain: in all forms; plantain porridge, pounded plantain, plantain chips, fried plantain (Dodo), roasted plantain (Boli), plantain powder (Elubo ogede) etc
• Beans: in all forms; beans porridge, akara, moin-moin etc
• Apple
• Grapefruit: please be careful to avoid using this with your medications
• Wheat: can be made like pap
• Semovita
• Semolina: can be baked like akara (beans cake)
• Local rice (ofada)
• Soya beans: as pap
• Vegetables
• Fish especially smoked
• Crayfish
• Periwinkle
• Cow leg, intestine etc
• Coconut oil
• Nuts: coconut, watnut, cashew nut etc
• Oats

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


It is all over the news that prostate cancer tendency reduced in men who have had up to twenty sexual partners than those who have had lower. This is not the first time sexual intercourse is connected to prostate cancer, the conclusion is that the frequency of ejaculation i.e cum helps reduce this tendency hence this should bring partners closer for more sexual activity and not break unions; what God has joined together let no man ....................
This research also showed that for homosexuals who have had up to 20 male partners, the tendency to have prostate cancer doubled. The research also discovered that men who have never had sexual intercourse were twice more likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer.

This information is attributed to the University of Montreal by all publishers but I can’t find any information on this from the University’s site or any online journal to prove this. On prostate cancer just maintain a healthy and consistent sexual life; also sea kelp has been found to be of benefit.


That feeling, a rusty aching feeling all over the body that makes you want to just stay all day in bed; scientists call it fatigue i.e mental or physical exhaustion, simply put, your body craves rest. Everyone experiences this at a moment in their lifetime but not everybody can satisfy the craving the body needs for rest.
A good diet filled with variety, fruits and vegetables can help prevent this. Oats is very replenishing for the brain so also is yoghurt to the stomach and intestines. Alternatively multivitamin drugs can replenish all diminished or lost nutrient. The best in the market are
·         Supradyn®
·         Pharmaton®
·         Omega H3®
·         Centrum performance®

·         Lycoset®