Saturday, January 31, 2015


Some say music is the food of the soul and its in record that angels sing daily before God. I take this as an insight into the benefit and pleasure of music. The brain is engaged and excited when we read or solve a mathematical problem but when we listen to music its almost like fireworks in the brain. The activity in the brain is tremendous. 
All this are still little compared to the reaction of the brain when we produce music. Scientists and neurologists described the activity in the brain as been like a full body workout. The level and volume of activity in the brain brings to conclusion that musicians will solve problems more creatively and effectively in both social and academic settings.
Because making music also involves crafting and understanding its emotional content and message, musicians also have higher levels of executive function — a category of interlinked tasks that includes planning, strategizing, and attention to detail, and requires simultaneous analysis of both cognitive and emotional aspects.

This ability also has an impact on how our memory systems work. And, indeed, musicians exhibit enhanced memory functions — creating, storing, and retrieving memories more quickly and efficiently.

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